Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Season of Desperation

Lately, I have noticed myself deeply desiring something to fulfill me. I have reached the point here in Indonesia of feeling often times lonely, lacking motivation and discipline. These feelings and emotions have driven me to seek fulfillment. I find myself online at Starbucks searching for something to entertain and bring enjoyment to my life. Something new and fulfilling. I am desperately thirsty, yet it seems like nothing quenches my thirst.
It is at this very point that God has begun to work in my heart. I know that His word alone will sustain me, yet I run to the internet, future travel ideas, and movies to preoccupy my thoughts. What I have found is that these attempts to seek fulfillment exceedingly drain the life and hope from my heart, soul and mind. As I find myself digging into God's word more and more I find sustenance, I find joy, I find encouragement, I find peace, I find truth and I find life.
These two verses in particular God has been using to speak into my life:

Romans 3:11, There are none that understand, and none that seek God.

It is God who seeks us. It is the Holy Spirit that gives us understanding. As much as I may try to seek God, I fail in my attempts. My strength proves weak, frail and pathetic. Therefore, I pray that God continues to seek and pursue me, so that I may be compelled with great passion to desperately know Him.

James 4:8, Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you.

In correspondence, I pray that I may draw near to You, Lord, so that You will draw near to me. Stir within me the desire, desperation and craving to know Your Word, to know Truth. It is here that I find satisfaction and sustenance for life. As God draws near to me through reading His word, I find myself completely satisfied.

I hope that these verses and thoughts encourage, motivate and compel you in the deepest of ways. I hope these passages of scripture pierce your hearts, as they have so relentlessly pierced mine. God's Word is powerful!

1 comment:

  1. Mr. Foster, your words are wonderfully raw. And, I have been going through similar things, seeking fulfillment, and unfortunately finding myself searching for it mostly in things away from the Cross and it's message.

    Thank you for the reminder, and thank you for the encouragement.

    I pray GOD's blessing over your life.
